- 2001
Brushwood Folklore Center - Sherman, NY
7/17/2001 to 7/22/2001
After the excitement of Sirius Rising, this festival seemed tame. This is one of the largest festivals in the East and usually gets over 1500 people attending. This year was no exception. There are many ADF members that attend and ADF has been doing the Midnight Ritual on Thursday night for the past several years.
At this festival, I presented two workshops, "Daily Devotional Rites" and "ADF Study Plan, Where Do we Stand", and took part in the Starwood Elder's Council. This council has been established to help the people attending learn about the elder's in the community and to give them someone to talk to if the need arises.
I sold
$365 worth of ADF regalia and traveled 468 miles to and from the festival.
on any of the pictures below will bring up a large (640 X 480) version of the
Pictures do not due justice to the size of the fire. These flames are leaping about 150'!
Another view of the fire.
The altar to Aphrodite set up by Isaac Bonewit's camp.
Last updated 11/14/01.