Trillium 2001 Trip Report

Festival Dates: 4/12/01 to 4/15/01.

This festival gave me a chance to watch and judge part of the ADF National Warrior's Guild competition. There were many spirited competitors and it was a close race right down to Saturday afternoon when the competition finished!

Overall Winners (National WG members only listed):
1st - Seabhac Fionn (16 points)
2nd - Sleeping Dragon (11 points)
3rd - Orion (10 points)
4th - Toad McGuire (7 points)
5th - Nick (6 points)
6th - Cullen (4 points)
7th - Uberod (3 points)

I presented one workshop here, "The Way of the Trees: a magical training system" on Saturday afternoon. On Friday, I was asked to lead the main Saturday night ritual. It was a very moving ritual focused on the Nature Spirits and the natural world. The omen told us that everything we gave during the ritual was not enough and that we had to make changes in our daily life to bring about the necessary changes to the natural world.

At this festival, I had my first chance to sell regalia for ADF for the year. We sold about $593 worth. Very impressive!

Distance traveled: 963 miles.

I’ve included some pictures that I took at the festival below. 

The Trillium banner.

Cairril, Selena and Sparky

ADF regalia sales.

A beautiful altar

Other vendors and part of the blacksmith area.

Selena and Susan

A meeting of the Naturalist Guild. L-R, Francesca, Sylvan, Seabhac Fionn, ? & Matt.

Part of the whiskey tasting workshop.

Some of the ritual participants.