West Coast Trip - 2001
Las Vegas, NV
10/12/2001 to 10/14/2001

While in Las Vegas, I had the opportunity to assist the Grove Organizer of Raven's Mist Protogrove, ADF, Ceirseach, perform a wedding ceremony at a regional SCA event. It was very well organized and performed and was well received by all attending.

The protogrove is growing well and almost ready to apply for provisional grove status. On last year's trip, I visited some of the local areas the protogrove has available to them for campouts and rituals. They are blessed with many wonderful sites within a short drive of the city.

Clicking on any of the pictures below will bring up a large (640 X 480) version of the picture.

Ceirseach ready for the wedding.

Some of the participants. The king and queen of the kingdom were the couple married.

Ceirseach with one of the protogrove members after the ceremony.


Last updated 11/14/01.