Coast Trip - 2001
Madison, WI
10/25/2001 to 10/26/2001
While in
Madison, I had a chance to meet with ADF members from the Madison and La Pointe
area of Wisconsin. We talked about whys that ADF national can help the groves
in that area grow and opportunities in which they can help ADF national. I also
took the opportunity to give my, and the organization's sincere thanks to one
of our most dedicated office elves, Hekatatia.
I sold $35.00 worth of regalia here.
on the picture below will bring up a large (640 X 480) version of the picture.
Some of the Wisconsin members, L to R - Corr Dóbhran, Hekatatia, Shan Green & Suil Bhran.
Last updated 11/14/01.