Processional Chants

We Approach The Sacred Grove - MP3 (711K) - PDF (Music)

(Words and music by Sean Miller)

We approach the Sacred Grove
With hearts and minds and flesh and bone
Join us now in ways of old
We have come home.

I Am Walking (Words by Phoenix) - MP3 (535K) - PDF (Music)

I am walking, walking, walking.
I am walking, walking, walking.
I am walking home.
I am walking home.

We Are A Circle Moving - MP3 As used in the Grove (805K)
This is the original tune the chant was taken from MIDI

(Words & Original Music © by Marae Price)

We are a circle moving
One with another, we are
Moving together we are one.

We are a circle moving
One with another, we are
Moving together we are one.

I am spirit, and I flow in you.
You are spirit and you flow in me.

Blessed With The Waters of Life - MP3 (816K) - PDF (Music)

(Words & Music by Alex DelBusso) - Beltaine & Lúghnasadh

We are blessed with the waters of life
And the air that we breathe
Will bring us freedom

And the fire that we kindle tonight
On this sacred earth
Will bring us together
Spirits together

Last updated - 4/5/04