Druids of Texas (DOT)

Website and information: http://sacredfootsteps.com/dot/
E-Group: DruidsOfTexas-subscribe@yahoogroups.com

Druids of Texas was begun some years ago by Judith Prueitt to provide a comfortable on-line meeting place for those interested in and devoted to Druidism in Texas. It remains one of the oldest Druid lists in the area, and is comprised these days not only of Texans, but also of Druids from all over the US and internationally who are interested in and connected to the unique and independent spirit of the Texas Druidic community. The focus of the group is not only on-line participation, and over the years, numerous real-time gatherings have been sponsored by DOT.

The lively tone and acceptance of all the diversity of contemporary Druidism that is present at DOT was a large part of the inspiration for ArkOkla Druids and the regional Druid coalition ideas.

From Jan Graham-McMillen. Used with permission.