Ancient Order of Druids in America (AODA)

Web site:
Contact: threelynx@EARTHLINK.NET

"Founded in 1912 as the American branch of the Ancient and Archaeological Order of Druids, the AODA is a traditional Druid Order with its roots in the Druid Revival of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. The AODA is emerging from a recent period of inactivity to present the teachings and practices of traditional Druidry in today's world.

The AODA envisions Druidry as a path of nature spirituality and inner transformation founded on personal experience rather than dogmatic belief. It welcomes men and women of all national origins, cultural and linguistic backgrounds, and affiliations with other Druidic and spiritual traditions. Ecological awareness and commitment to an earth-honoring lifestyle, celebration of the cycles of nature through seasonal ritual, and personal development through meditation and other spiritual exercises form the core of its work, and involvement in the arts, healing practices, and traditional esoteric studies are among its applications and expressions." (1)

(1) From: