Gaelic Druid Order of the Southern Cross (GDOSC)

Snail mail: GDOSC via 4 Powell Cres, Brookdale, WA 6112 Australia.

The "Gaelic Druid Order of the Southern Cross", is an Australian based Order, ("Sgiath an Fhithich" the Mother Grove is located in Armadale, Western Australia), with a growing world wide membership, and is focused along traditional lines by Joint-Chiefs Ruiseart and Ceit.

The Order, as the name suggests, maintains strong ties with our ancestral lands and culture (that of Scotland and Ireland), whilst working with the energy and power of our adopted home.

It is our belief that a connection to one's ancestry is important and the study of the Gaelic language and culture forms an integral part of Bardic studies. This connection is not to be confused with living in the past; the intention is to provide a foundation for the future, both individually and as a group. People of all racial backgrounds are welcome.

Those of Gaelic descent can find a connection to their heritage, whilst "non" Gaels can use the Order as a platform from which they can discover their own roots. In addition to promoting Gaelic language and culture, our aim is to help develop the spiritual potential of the individual whilst working with Nature.

It is a very exciting time for Druidry in the Southern Hemisphere, just as it must have been when our ancestors first settled in Alba. We have new energies to explore, and new "Spirits of Place" to work with and we of the Gaelic Druid Order of the Southern Cross are proud to be a part of it.

From: Ruiseart, Joint-Chief of the GDOSC. Used with permission.