Hermetic Druidry

Email: dragonstone1@bigpond.com
Contact: Hermetic Druidry, P.O. Box 2101, Byron Bay, N.S.W. 2481

By the Power of Star & Stone Hermetic Druidry was formally established at Alban Arthuan 2001 in Australia, growing over the previous decade from the strong roots of the North-East Arbor Grove. The dedication to service of the N.E.A. Grove is widely known in the Southern Hemisphere, having been responsible for Inaugurating and hosting the Druid Assembly in Australia (1996 & 1997), enabling Initiates of Druidry for the first time to celebrate together across this expansive region.

Since that time our energy has continued to focus upon what is needed here, including scholarship and personalized training of suitable candidates. The core skills and Knowledge requisite to the life of the Bardic, Vatic and Druidic streams are gained during the Apprenticeship, with the Grove as the heart of the practical experiences.

Druidry in Australia presents the opportunity to live the ancestral paths in new terrain. Hermetic Druidry maintains the core Knowledge of our Druidic line, combined with ever-increasing Knowledge of the spirits of Time and Place here. These we acknowledge fully and honor, whilst not seeking to use that which belongs to another Tribe without permission.

As there is no fee equal to the Art, our Grove maintains an energy-exchange basis for all training, that is, Apprentices are required to devote themselves to their training and in time, to give of their skills and Knowledge in return.
There is no time limit to the Apprenticeship. However candidates are urged to consider that it will take many years of sustained effort to acquire the skills and Knowledge required.

We do not seek Apprentices and by providing this information, intend to offer insight into the current and future directions of our Grove to the broader Druidic community and a point of contact for those who hear an inner connection to this Path.

Correspondence on all matters Druidic is always welcomed and personally answered.

Further information about the beliefs of the organization can be found in the article located at www.druidnetwork.org/articles/akkadiaford.html.

From: Inspiration, Chief Hermetic Druidry. Used with permission.